Working Papers:
- “Elasticity of Taxable Income and Adjustment Costs: High Income Taxpayers’ Bunching Behaviour,” with Robert Breunig and Miguel Olivo-Villabrille.
Works in Progress:
- “Surfing in Australia: Internet Access and Productivity in Healthcare,” with Diana Contreras Suarez and Susan Mendez.
- “Gender Gap in Venture Investment: Evidence from Australian Tax Data,” with Maxim Ananyev and Miguel Olivo Villabrille.
- “Working while Unemployed? Evidence from a Work While on Claim Program in Canada,” with Adam Lavecchia, Safoura Moeeni, and Miguel Olivo-Villabrille.
- “Saving for Retirement: Intrahousehold Dynamics and Tax Incentives,” with Marc Chan, Todd Morris and Miguel Olivo-Villabrille.
Policy Reports:
- “The Use of Digital Health Technology by Medical Practitioners: Factors Influencing Uptake and Associations with Job Satisfaction, Work-Life Balance, and Productivity,” with Anthony Scott, 2020. (Prepared for the Australian Digital Health Agency)
Archived Papers:
- “Why Adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder Have Lower Labor Supply than the Other Disability Groups?” [Download here]